6. Meeting over pumpkin pie

What do you do when your two best friends decide to spend Thanksgiving with their respective significant others' families? You spend Thanksgiving alone. That's what happened to me, but no worries. I may have been alone, but I wasn't lonely.

There was no Scrabble night last week, with all the Thanksgiving preps people were focused on and all. I had an early dinner by myself, green bean casserole and roasted chicken for one. I'm not a turkey fan. Then I had made pumpkin pie that afternoon, which I didn't feel like eating in my apartment. I decided to go to the game room and eat in front of the giant TV. (My TV's broken.)

I brought the whole pie and a can of whipped cream with me, a thermos of hot water, and packs of English Breakfast tea. As expected, nobody was at the game room. Perfect! I watched a rerun of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I think I was onto my 3rd slice of pie when Josh came into the room. He's from the 7th floor. I've met him once (twice?) in the building, exchanging pleasantries. Anyway his roommate, he said, had some friends over and it was getting kind of crowded. So off he went to the game room, expecting nobody there.

We weren't expecting each other then, but that didn't matter. We sat through about four more reruns of the show, and polished off the pie. He ate his with a plastic knife though, since I had only brought one fork. It was a pretty cool way to celebrate Thanksgiving. Small talk, which I abhor, wasn't as bad between us. We pretty much have a lot of stuff in common. Like how plaid is so '90s but we still love wearing it anyway. Like how The Big Bang Theory is one of the greatest shows on earth. Stuff like that. I'm thankful to have made a new friend in the building.

Ashley and Jason called me a few hours later, each one sounding drunker than the other, asking how I was. I told them about Josh and his eager appetite, my successful dishes, and that my Thanksgiving wasn't too bad. They thought I was just trying to see the silver lining. Truth is, I didn't mind at all.

Thank goodness for broken TVs. Thank goodness for pumpkin pie. Thank goodness for crowded rooms. Thank goodness for new (cute) things to look forward to in this building. I may have set out to celebrate Thanksgiving alone, but apparently the holiday had other plans for me.

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