5. Drifting about

"A ship in harbor is safe. But that is not what ships are built for."
- William Shedd

There's a picture of a lone sailboat in my room. I hang it across the bed so it's one of the last things I see before drifting off. The image always reminds me of that Shedd quote. And that is what I always try to remember when the going gets tough.

My good friends (all two of them) keep me strong. Ashley's been feeding me like the witch in Hansel & Gretel (Darling, fattening me up will just depress me more) and Jason's been taking me to different places in the city, so it'll feel more like home to me. I love them both. I really do.

Do I love myself enough to keep this up though? Ugh, I'm going emo on myself. Must throw out all ice cream in the freezer.

I think I'll stay "in harbor" just a little bit more. When I feel like my sail can take the wind, I'll definitely start sailing again. I promise. I shall sail again!

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