11. Raising Manhattan

One of my nieces was named after the city she was born in, and what a beautiful city it is. She's three years old and can't pronounce her name correctly yet. It's more like "Matt-an."

I'm a kid magnet, and it works for or against me sometimes. When I'm in a social event and feeling anti-social, all I have to do is stay near kids and later on I'd be showing them how to make a crane out of paper or debate about who the coolest Transformer is. When I'm at the park and miraculously make eye contact with a guy I could be interested in, into the scene comes a bunch of kids holding up boats and riding bikes in a Ring Around the Posey way -- there's no way out. By the time I get out of the circle, the guy's gone.

Maybe I should've become a Kindergarten teacher. But I don't want to go to school again to get another job. School didn't agree with me very much. I mean, college was cool, but I wouldn't want to waste another night poring over textbooks and wishing I could be hanging out with my friends instead.

Manhattan is a sweet kid. She says she wants to be an ice skater when she grows up. Her favorite holiday is her Mom's birthday. Why? "'Cause she home." There goes my cousin blushing all over, such a workaholic that her toddler already has Mommy issues. "Matt-an" is definitely a Daddy's girl, even if her folks are divorced. She sees more of her Dad even if she lives with her Mom.

You know what, if my cousin would hire me as "Matt-an"'s nanny, I'd go for it. She pays well. Her current nanny dresses really well. And in expensive brands. Not that I'm brand-conscious or anything.

"Favorite Auntie," Manhattan told me recently, extending her arms out for a hug. I gave her a huge hug and gave her a big kiss on the head. Then we made paper cranes (I folded, she played with them) all afternoon.

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